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Sheikh Abdullah's image to be replaced with national emblem on J&K police medals

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New Delhi, 24 May 2022 [Fik/News Sources]: The administration led by Lt Governor in Jammu and Kashmir has decided to replace the picture of National Conference founder and former J&K Chief Minister Sheikh Abdullah from Jammu and Kashmir Police medals with the national emblem of India.

"In modification to Para 4 of the Jammu and Kashmir Police Medal Scheme, the Sher-i-Kashmir Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah embossed on the side of the medal shall be replaced with 'The National Emblem of the Government of India’ and the other side inscribed with J&K State Emblem shall be inscribed as 'Jammu and Kashmir Police Medal for Gallantry' and 'Jammu and Kashmir Police Medal for Meritorious Service’ in case of Gallantry/Meritorious Medal, as the case may be,” reads a government order issued by  J&K Financial Commissioner and Additional Chief Secretary Raj Kumar Goyal.

The police medals were established in 2001 and are awarded on New Year's Day, Republic Day, and Independence Day in two categories -- bravery and exemplary service.

Earlier, in January this year, the J&K government had changed the nomenclature of 'Sher-i-Kashmir Police Medals' to 'Jammu and Kashmir Police Medals.'

After the abrogation of Articles 370 and 35A and bifurcation of J&K State by centre on August 5, 2019, J&K government has scrapped the state holiday commemorating the birth anniversary of Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah also known as 'Sher-i-Kashmir.'

NC spokesman Imran Nabi Dar termed replacing Sheikh Abdullah's image from police medals as an attempt to “erase our history and identity”.

"With due respect to the National Emblem, these attempts to erase our history, identity and icon show the nefariousness of the incumbents. People of J&K have struggled on many fronts to be where they are now. They fought oppression. No one can change that. Not by replacing/changing names,” Imran tweeted.

Another NC leader Tanvir Sadiq tweeted, “As John F Kennedy said, “A man may die, nations may rise and fall, but an idea lives on. Ideas have endurance without death. Sher-e-Kashmir is not just a prefix that you can erase. Sher-e-Kashmir was, is and will always be the only Sher-e-Kashmir.”.

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